What Persists

How will your environment look like after migrating from 2.4.x to 3.0.0?

Orka 3.0.0 upgrades the Orka Platform along with the virtualization and orchestration layer. See Orka Upgrades.

The following table outlines which environment features persist and which you'll need to re-create after the migration from Orka 2.4.x to 3.0.0.

Environment featureDoes it persist after the migration?DetailsDo I need to do anything?
Cluster configurationsCluster settings like GPU passthrough, VM Internet and network isolation, and nested virtualization continue to work as expected.No.
Self-signed or custom TLS certificates for access via custom domains and HTTPsAll self-signed or custom TLS certificates are retained.No.
Sandboxed nodesAll sandboxed nodes are returned to their original state. Re-create your sandboxing with custom namespaces with the --enable-custom-pods setting.
Node dedication (grouping)All user and node grouping is removed.Re-create node dedication with custom namespaces.
Users❗️Orka 3.0 introduces a new way to manage users and log in to your cluster.

All existing users are retained, and you can still use them to log in with earlier versions of the Orka CLI or the Orka CI/CD integrations.
Configure user access to the cluster. See here.
Deployed VMsAll deployed VMs are removed.Re-create any VMs you might want to use or re-deploy them from the migrated VM configurations.

Some settings, such as custom ports and metadata, are available only during deployment and are not retained in the VM configuration.
VM configurationsAll VM configurations are migrated to the new format.

VM configurations with attached disk no longer have an attached disk.
Clean up any VM configurations that you no longer need.
Node affinity for VMs (tagging)❗️All existing VM configurations retain their tag settings.

All nodes lose their applied tags.
Re-apply the missing node tags.
Images (locally stored on the cluster)All images are migrated to the new format and naming convention.

The old name is retained in the Description field.
Manually update the Orka VM Tools on all Apple silicon-based images and commit the changes.
Images (cached on each Apple silicon node)The image cache is removed from each node.Existing Apple silicon-based images should be saved or committed to take advantage of the new "thin-provisioned" format, and then cached per-node on VM deployment.
ISOs (locally stored on the cluster)All ISOs are migrated to the new format and naming convention.

The old name is retained in the Description field.
Remote imagesAll remote images are migrated to the new format and naming convention.No.
Remote ISOsAll remote ISOs are migrated to the new format and naming convention.No.

See also

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