K8s Native: Orka3 CRD Reference
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The recommended way to work with Orka resources is via the Orka3 CLI, Orka3 API, or the Orka Web UI.
You can still use
instead. However, exercise caution and consider managing only VMs and VM configs via YAML. Working with images, ISOs, or nodes directly via YAML requires both advanced Orka3 CRD and Kubernetes knowledge, and might result in unexpected issues.
Field | Type | Description |
spec > cpu | integer | The number of CPU cores to allocate to VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . |
spec > gpuPassthrough | boolean | Boolean setting if GPU passthrough is enabled. When enabled, VncConsole must be disabled. |
spec > image | string | The name of the Image to use for the VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . |
spec > iso | string | (Intel-only) Attaches the specified ISO (by name) to let you install macOS from scratch on a VirtualMachineInstance created from the VirtualMachineConfig . When specified, make sure that the Image field uses an empty disk generated with the respective operation. |
spec > memory | number | Memory in GiB. Rounded to the nearest 0.1 GiB. If not specified, will be automatically calculated based on the number of CPU cores. |
spec > netBoost | boolean | Boolean setting if Network boost is enabled for VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . |
spec > nodeName | string | The name of the node where you want the VirtualMachineInstance to run. If not specified, the VirtualMachineInstance will run on the first available node that matches the criteria (e.g., available CPU and memory, tags, groups, etc.) |
spec > scheduler | string | The scheduler to use for the deployment of VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . One of default , most-allocated .When set to most-allocated , VirtualMachineInstances are scheduled to OrkaNodes having most of their resources allocated. The default setting keeps used vs free resources balanced between OrkaNodes . |
spec > systemSerial | string | A custom serial number for the VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . The provided serial number must be a valid Mac serial number. |
spec > tag | string | When specified, VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig will be scheduled for deployment on OrkaNodes labeled with the same Tag . |
spec > tagRequired | boolean | Boolean setting if the Tag is required. When true , VirtualMachineInstances will be deployed only on nodes matching the specified Tag . |
spec > vncConsole | boolean | Boolean setting if the VNC console is enabled for VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . When enabled, GPUPassthrough must be disabled. |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: VirtualMachineConfig
name: my-orka-vm
namespace: orka-default
cpu: 3
image: sonoma-90gb-orka3-arm
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: VirtualMachineConfig
name: my-orka-vm
namespace: orka-default
cpu: 4
image: empty-90gb-orka3-amd
iso: sonoma.iso
Field | Type | Description |
spec > cpu | integer | The number of CPU cores to allocate to VirtualMachineInstance . |
spec > customVMMetadata | object | Custom metadata to be passed to the VirtualMachineInstance . |
spec > gpuPassthrough | boolean | Boolean setting if GPU passthrough is enabled. When enabled, VncConsole must be disabled. |
spec > image | string | The name of the Image to use for the VirtualMachineInstance . |
spec > iso | string | (Intel-only) Attaches the specified ISO (by name) to let you install macOS from scratch. When specified, make sure that the Image field uses an empty disk generated with the respective operation. |
spec > memory | number | Memory in GiB. Rounded to the nearest 0.1 GiB. If not specified, the VirtualMachineInstance will use the default memory value set in the Orka configuration or will be automatically calculated based on the number of CPU cores. |
spec > netBoost | boolean | Boolean setting if Network boost is enabled. |
spec > nodeName | string | The name of the node where you want the VirtualMachineInstance to run. If not specified, the VirtualMachineInstance will run on the first available node that matches the criteria (e.g., available CPU and memory, tags, etc.) |
spec > reservedPorts | string | A custom port pairing to enable traffic forwarding. Must be provided in the <NODE_PORT>:<VM_PORT> format (e.g., 1337:3000 ). |
spec > scheduler | string | The scheduler to use for the deployment. One of default , most-allocated .When set to most-allocated , VirtualMachineInstances are scheduled to OrkaNodes having most of their resources allocated. The default setting keeps used vs free resources balanced between OrkaNodes . |
spec > systemSerial | string | A custom serial number for the VirtualMachineInstance . The provided serial number must be a valid Mac serial number. |
spec > tag | string | When specified, the VirtualMachineInstance will be scheduled for deployment on OrkaNodes labeled with the same Tag . |
spec > tagRequired | boolean | Boolean setting if the Tag is required. When true , VirtualMachineInstances will be deployed only on nodes matching the specified Tag . |
spec > vncConsole | boolean | Boolean setting if the VNC console is enabled for VirtualMachineInstances created from the VirtualMachineConfig . When enabled, GPUPassthrough must be disabled. |
status >errorMessage | string | The error message if the deployment failed. |
status > hostIP | string | The IP of the OrkaNode on which the VirtualMachineInstance is running. |
status > memory | string | The amount of memory allocated to the VirtualMachineInstance . |
status > nodeName | string | The name of the OrkaNode on which the VirtualMachineInstance is running. |
status > phase | string | The state of the VirtualMachineInstance deployment. |
status > portWarnings | string | Any port warnings that have occurred during the deployment. |
status > screenSharePort | integer | The Screen Sharing port assigned to the VirtualMachineInstance . |
status > sshPort | integer | The SSH port assigned to the VirtualMachineInstance . |
status > vncPort | integer | The VNC port assigned to the VirtualMachineInstance . |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: VirtualMachineInstance
name: my-orka-vm
image: ghcr.io/macstadium/orka-images/sonoma:latest
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: VirtualMachineInstance
name: my-advanced-orka-vm
cpu: 4
gpuPassthrough: false
image: sonoma-90gb-orka3-arm
netBoost: true
scheduler: default-scheduler
vncConsole: true
tag: my-tag
tagRequired: false
Field | Type | Description |
spec > checksum | string | (amd64-only) The automatically calculated MD5 checksum of the image file represented by the Image. Orka populates Checksum only after you explicitly request the checksum. |
spec > destination | string | A new name for the Image resulting from the Image save operation. Leave empty for commit operations. |
spec > owner | string | The user who initially created the image file represented y the Image. |
spec > size | string or integer | The size of the image file in formatted bytes. |
spec > source | string | The name of an Image , RemoteImage or VirtualMachineInstance to use as a source for a specific Image operation. Must match the SourceType . |
spec > sourceNamespace | string | The namespace of the source VM (for commit and save). Uses orka-default if not specified. |
spec > sourceType | string | Modifier used for Image operations. One of generated (for generate), local (for copy), remote (for pull), vm (for commit and save). |
status > errorMessage | string | The error message from the last failed operation with this Image . |
status > lastUpdatedTimestamp | string | The timestamp for the last Image update (in the ISO 8601 format). |
status > state | string | The current state of the image. One of Ready , Updating , Failed . |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Image
orka.macstadium.com/description: sonoma-90gb-orka3-arm
creationTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
generation: 1
kubernetes.io/arch: arm64
name: sonoma-90gb-orka3-arm
namespace: orka-default
resourceVersion: "3064"
uid: f42805a1-7c71-4eaa-b61a-6206b59c0e97
size: 90G
lastUpdatedTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
state: Ready
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Image
orka.macstadium.com/description: 90GBVenturaSSH.img
creationTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
generation: 1
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
name: 90gbventurassh.img
namespace: orka-default
resourceVersion: "3032"
uid: e329b4e4-90e5-4b3c-9c2c-8651923d87ed
size: 90G
lastUpdatedTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
state: Ready
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Image
name: empty-90gb-orka3-amd
namespace: orka-default
size: 90G
sourceType: generated
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Image
name: copy-sonoma-90gb-orka3-arm
namespace: orka-default
sourceType: local
source: sonoma-90gb-orka3-arm
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Image
name: pulled-ventura-orka3-arm
namespace: orka-default
sourceType: remote
source: 90gbventurassh.orkasi
Field | Type | Description |
spec > size | string or integer | The size of the ISO file in formatted bytes. |
spec > source | string | The name of an Iso or RemoteIso to use as a source for a specific Iso operation. |
spec > sourceType | string | Modifier used for Iso operations. One of local (for copy) or remote (for pull). |
status > errorMessage | string | The error message from the last failed operation with this Iso . |
status > lastUpdatedTimestamp | string | The timestamp for the last Iso update (in the ISO 8601 format). |
status > state | string | The current state of the Iso. One of Ready , Updating , Failed . |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Iso
orka.macstadium.com/description: Ventura.iso
creationTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
generation: 1
name: ventura.iso
namespace: orka-default
resourceVersion: "3079"
uid: 1c6f8e5c-fc0b-449b-ba03-2351d41d8d34
size: 2G
lastUpdatedTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
state: Ready
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Iso
name: copy-big-sur.iso
namespace: orka-default
sourceType: local
source: big-sur.iso
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: Iso
name: pulled-ventura.iso
namespace: orka-default
sourceType: remote
source: ventura.iso
Field | Type | Description |
spec > imageName | string | The name of the image file represented by the Image . |
spec > size | string or integer | The size of the image file in formatted bytes. |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: RemoteImage
creationTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
generation: 1
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
name: 90gbventurassh.img
namespace: orka-default
resourceVersion: "3095"
uid: 29d907bc-e284-487b-8352-8466f89c8568
imageName: 90GBVenturaSSH.img
size: 90G
Field | Type | Description |
spec > isoName | string | The name of the ISO file represented by the Iso . |
spec > size | string or integer | The size of the ISO file in formatted bytes. |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: RemoteIso
creationTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
generation: 1
name: ventura.iso
namespace: orka-default
resourceVersion: "3092"
uid: 25de0e37-e99d-4dde-9931-c5d6a872166e
isoName: Ventura.iso
size: 16G
Field | Type | Description |
spec > namespace | string | The name of a specific namespace to which a node is assigned. Only users with appropriate access to that namespace will have the ability to deploy VirtualMachineInstances on that OrkaNode . |
spec > tags | array of string items | One or more tags setting node affinity. Node affinity indicates that the tagged OrkaNode is preferred for the deployment of VirtualMachineInstances with the same tag. |
status > allocatableCpu | integer | The complete amount of CPU cores on the node when no VirtualMachineInstances are deployed. |
status > allocatableGpu | integer | The complete amount of GPU cores on the node when no VirtualMachineInstances are deployed. |
status > allocatableMemory | string | The complete amount of memory (in GiB) on the node when no VirtualMachineInstances are deployed. |
status > availableCpu | integer | The amount of available CPU on the node. |
status > availableGpu | integer | The amount of available GPU on the node. |
status > availableMemory | string | The amount of available Memory on the node. |
status > nodeIP | string | The IP of the OrkaNode . |
status > nodeType | string | The type of the OrkaNode . Usually, WORKER . |
status > phase | string | The status of the OrkaNode. One of READY , NOT READY . |
apiVersion: orka.macstadium.com/v1
kind: OrkaNode
creationTimestamp: "2023-10-16T09:55:25Z"
generation: 1
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
name: mini-25
namespace: orka-default
- apiVersion: v1
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: Node
name: mini-25
uid: 5bde48ba-a951-46c6-814e-6147cca52dca
resourceVersion: "3052"
uid: dade0833-c06e-45ac-86ec-67abba759d96
namespace: orka-default
tags: []
allocatableCpu: 12
allocatableGpu: 0
allocatableMemory: 62.56G
availableCpu: 12
availableGpu: 0
availableMemory: 62.56G
nodeType: WORKER
phase: READY
See also
Updated over 1 year ago