What is Orka Cluster 3.2?
Orka (Orchestration with Kubernetes on Apple) by MacStadium
Orka Cluster is an enterprise virtualization and orchestration solution for MacOS-based infrastructure. It is designed to scale to hundreds of nodes, supporting performant spin-up and tear-down of virtualized macOS images to support your custom workloads. It is designed to be installed in MacStadium, in AWS, or On-Prem.
Some of the most frequent use cases and workloads for Orka Cluster include:
- Private CI cluster supporting iOS or macOS builds from Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Buildkite, or your custom continuous integration tooling.
- Testing environments for your macOS and iOS apps.
- AI training and execution environments for various model types
- Custom application logic running on macOS
Orka Cluster is optimized to provide virtualization natively for Apple Silicon and does still retain support for Intel-based Mac computers and OS versions.
Updated about 2 months ago