
The orka node group of commands in the Orka CLI. These commands are used for node monitoring and management.

Monitor live node status



orka top is now disabled. Use orka node list or orka node status instead.


Show live status for the nodes in your Orka environment. This command blocks the command-line.



Run orka top in a separate command-line window. Hit Ctrl+C twice to release the command line.

orka top



List nodes


List Orka nodes with state and resource availability. Without any options specified, the command returns the worker nodes where Orka deployments are scheduled.

orka node list


orka node list -f all




You can pass the following options with orka node list in direct mode:

OptionShorthand optionDescription
-filter-f(Administrative-only) Set to all to list all nodes
--jsonReturns the output of the command in JSON.

Get node status


Show status information, including sandbox status, for a selected node. The command also lists all available nodes.

orka node status


orka node status -n <NODE> -y




You can pass the following options with orka node status in direct mode:

OptionDescriptionSample value
-nThe name of the node.macpro-1
-yBypasses the interactive prompt and executes the command with the specified parameters.
--jsonReturns the output of the command in JSON.

Enable sandbox


Enable sandbox mode for the node. This prevents Orka from managing deployments on the node and reserves it for Kubernetes-only deployments. This command requires additional administrative authentication with an Orka license key.


Sandbox is not required to use kubectl

kubectl works on all Orka clusters. Sandboxing is an easy way to cordon off nodes and prevent further deployment management with the basic Orka CLI.


Apple ARM-based nodes support

This command is not supported for Apple ARM-based nodes.
Read more about Apple ARM-based Support) to see which commands and options are supported.

orka node sandbox


orka node sandbox -n <NODE> -y




You can pass the following options with orka node sandbox in direct mode:

OptionDescriptionSample value
-nThe name of the node.macpro-1
-lAn Orka license key used for authentication against your Orka environment. Set this option, if you want to use a license key different from the one cached locally.orka-license-key
-yBypasses the interactive prompt and executes the command with the specified parameters.
--jsonReturns the output of the command in JSON.

Disable sandbox


Disable sandbox mode for the specified node and expose it for deployment management with the Orka CLI. This command requires additional administrative authentication with an Orka license key.


Apple ARM-based nodes support

This command is not supported for Apple ARM-based nodes.
Read more about Apple ARM-based Support to see which commands and options are supported.

orka node unsandbox


orka node unsandbox -n <NODE> -y




You can pass the following options with orka node unsandbox in direct mode:

-nThe name of the node.macpro-1
-lAn Orka license key used for authentication against your Orka environment. Set this option, if you want to use a license key different from the one cached locally.orka-license-key
-yBypasses the interactive prompt and executes the command with the specified parameters.
--jsonReturns the output of the command in JSON.

Manage node dedication


Dedicate the specified node to the specified user group or remove an existing node dedication. This command requires additional administrative authentication with an Orka license key.

orka node group


orka node group -g <GROUP> -n <NODE> -y

OR (to remove a node dedication)

orka node group -g -n <NODE> -y




You can pass the following options with orka node group in direct mode:

OptionShorthand optionDescriptionSample value
--node-nThe node to which you want to apply or remove a user group label.macpro-2
--group-gThe user group label that you want to apply. The label may or may not already exist.

To remove a group label, leave blank.
--assume-yes-yBypasses the interactive prompt and executes the command with the specified parameters.
--jsonReturns the output of the command in JSON.

Tag and Untag Nodes


Add and remove tags from a node. These tags can be targeted with orka vm deploy --tag <TAG> --tag-required <yes/no>

orka node tag


orka node tag -n <NODE_NAME> --tag <TAG> -y

orka node untag


orka node untag -n <NODE_NAME> --tag <TAG> -y




You can pass the following options with orka node tag and orka node untag in direct mode:

OptionShorthand OptionDescriptionSample Value
--node-nThe node to which you want to apply or remove a tag.macpro-2
--tagThe tag to apply or remove from the nodepool-1
--assume-yes-yBypasses the interactive prompt and executes the command with the specified parameters.
--jsonReturns the output of the command in JSON.


Tags and groups function together

If a user is limited to a group, they can still only deploy to nodes that are dedicated to that group. Tags will not allow them to circumvent the group. You should ensure that you are deploying to tags that are on nodes that they have access to. This can be verified using orka nodes or orka node list.

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