2.4.x to 3.0.0: Backward Compatibility

What continues to work out-of-the-box right after the migration from Orka 2.4.x to Orka 3.0.0.

Orka 3.0 provides backward compatibility for the following fundamental scenario.

  1. Connect to the cluster and deploy a VM.
  2. Connect to the VM via SSH and perform actions within the OS. (For example, install software or run custom scripts.)
  3. Remove the VM.


This ensures that Orka CI/CD integrations and custom automations around this scenario should continue to work out-of-the-box after the migration.

However, more complicated scenarios might or might not work, depending on the features involved.

The following features are not backward compatible for the basic scenario and will not work out-of-the-box after the migration:

  • Node dedication (also, grouping)
  • Node affinity (also, tagging)
  • Sandbox deployments
  • User management (create or remove users)

See also

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