Logging 1.0 (Deprecated)

How to retrieve and delete the logs for your Orka environment. Administrators-only. API-only.



Logging 1.0 is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
Make sure to migrate to Logging 2.0.


Quick navigation

On this page, jump to: Retrieving the logs | Deleting the logs | Caveats | Log example

Orka collects logs for all CLI and API operations. Administrators can view and delete the logs. All logs are returned in JSON format.

Retrieving and deleting the logs is currently available only via the Orka API.


Quick API summary

curl POST /logs/query
curl DELETE /logs

Retrieving the logs

Send a POST request to the http://<Orka-API-URL>/logs/query endpoint.

For example:

curl --location --request POST 'http://<orka-api-ip>/logs/query' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'orka-licensekey: <license-key>'

Replace <license-key> with your actual Orka license key.
Replace <orka-api-ip> with,, or your Orka domain, or your external custom domain. Note that for Orka and custom domains you need to switch to https.

Deleting the logs



This operation removes all logs for your Orka environment. Deleted logs cannot be restored.

Send a DELETE request to the http://<Orka-API-URL>/logs endpoint.

For example:

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://<orka-api-ip>/logs' \
--header 'orka-licensekey: <license-key>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

Replace <license-key> with your actual Orka license key.
Replace <orka-api-ip> with,, or your Orka domain, or your external custom domain. Note that for Orka and custom domains you need to switch to https.
Replace <token> with the token for your Orka user.


  • Log retrieval and management is available only to administrators and requires the passing of the orka-licensekey: <licensekey> header.
  • Log retrieval and management is available only from the Orka API.
  • You cannot filter the logs. You can view only the full logs since the last deletion.
  • You cannot delete parts of the logs. You can delete only the full logs since the last deletion.
  • (Orka 1.2.0 and later) The logs capture internal API calls from the Orka CLI, executed as part of running the specified user command. For example, the logs capture internal token checks and API version checks executed as part of VM-related operations.

Log example

    "message": "",
    "help": {},
    "errors": [],
    "logs": [
            "createdAt": "2020-05-07T13:17:52.899Z",
            "id": "f3e8d526-9285-4682-b02f-5c72add8b460",
            "logVersion": "1.0",
            "request": {
                "body": {
                    "orka_vm_name": "myorkavm"
                "headers": {
                    "accept": "*/*",
                    "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
                    "cache-control": "no-cache",
                    "connection": "keep-alive",
                    "content-length": "31",
                    "content-type": "application/json",
                    "host": "",
                    "postman-token": "56f32c79-d7c7-44fd-b1f5-52faf5130f3b",
                    "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.24.1"
                "method": "DELETE",
                "url": "/resources/vm/delete"
            "response": {
                "body": {
                    "errors": [],
                    "help": {
                        "deploy_virtual_machine": "To deploy a VM, make sure you have a configuration created and use the endpoint",
                        "list_orka_nodes": "To list orka nodes send a rest a request to",
                        "required_request_data_for_deploy": {
                            "orka_vm_name": "myorkavm"
                    "message": "Successfully deleted VM"
                "headers": {
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                    "content-length": "372",
                    "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    "etag": "W/\"174-aYFIE14PAFIci4OLLNE8hJpKpEc\""
                "statusCode": 200
            "user": {
                "email": "user@email.com",
                "id": "73b3dcf3-987a-4c67-a725-27dc8ed21ba1"
            "createdAt": "2020-05-07T13:17:22.437Z",
            "id": "f3b17444-88b4-43fa-bf2a-a457552038f8",
            "logVersion": "1.0",
            "request": {
                "body": {
                    "orka_vm_name": "myorkavm"
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                    "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.24.1"
                "method": "DELETE",
                "url": "/resources/vm/delete"
            "response": {
                "body": {
                    "errors": [
                            "message": "No authorization token was found"
                    "help": {},
                    "message": ""
                "headers": {
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            "createdAt": "2020-05-07T13:16:06.127Z",
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                "method": "GET",
                "url": "/resources/vm/list"
            "response": {
                "body": {
                    "errors": [],
                    "help": {},
                    "message": "",
                    "virtual_machine_resources": [
                            "status": [
                                    "RAM": "7.5G",
                                    "base_image": "Mojave.img",
                                    "configuration_template": "default",
                                    "cpu": 3,
                                    "image": "myorkavm",
                                    "node_location": "macpro-6",
                                    "node_status": "UP",
                                    "owner": "user@email.com",
                                    "reserved_ports": [
                                            "guest_port": 5999,
                                            "host_port": 5999,
                                            "protocol": "TCP"
                                            "guest_port": 5900,
                                            "host_port": 5900,
                                            "protocol": "TCP"
                                            "guest_port": 8821,
                                            "host_port": 8822,
                                            "protocol": "TCP"
                                    "screen_sharing_port": "5900",
                                    "ssh_port": "8822",
                                    "vcpu": 3,
                                    "virtual_machine_id": "0cd6c5e557a70",
                                    "virtual_machine_ip": "",
                                    "virtual_machine_name": "myorkavm",
                                    "vm_status": "running",
                                    "vnc_port": "5999"
                            "virtual_machine_name": "myorkavm",
                            "vm_deployment_status": "Deployed"
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                "id": "73b3dcf3-987a-4c67-a725-27dc8ed21ba1"
            "createdAt": "2020-05-07T13:15:59.078Z",
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                    "help": {
                        "data_for_virtual_machine_exec_tasks": {
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                        "resume_virtual_machine": "To resume a VM send rest request to",
                        "start_virtual_machine": "To start a VM send rest request to",
                        "stop_virtual_machine": "To stop a VM send rest request to",
                        "suspend_virtual_machine": "To suspend a VM send rest request to",
                        "virtual_machine_vnc": "Once started and deployed, you can use VNC to access it via"
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                        "stop_virtual_machine": "To stop a VM send rest request to",
                        "suspend_virtual_machine": "To suspend a VM send rest request to",
                        "virtual_machine_vnc": "Once started and deployed, you can use VNC to access it via"
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                        "resume_virtual_machine": "To resume a VM send rest request to",
                        "start_virtual_machine": "To start a VM send rest request to",
                        "stop_virtual_machine": "To stop a VM send rest request to",
                        "suspend_virtual_machine": "To suspend a VM send rest request to",
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                        "start_virtual_machine": "To start a VM send rest request to",
                        "stop_virtual_machine": "To stop a VM send rest request to",
                        "suspend_virtual_machine": "To suspend a VM send rest request to",
                        "virtual_machine_vnc": "Once started and deployed, you can use VNC to access it via"
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                        "stop_virtual_machine": "To stop a VM send rest request to",
                        "suspend_virtual_machine": "To suspend a VM send rest request to",
                        "virtual_machine_vnc": "Once started and deployed, you can use VNC to access it via"
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                "url": "/resources/vm/deploy"
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                        "resume_virtual_machine": "To resume a VM send rest request to",
                        "start_virtual_machine": "To start a VM send rest request to",
                        "stop_virtual_machine": "To stop a VM send rest request to",
                        "suspend_virtual_machine": "To suspend a VM send rest request to",
                        "virtual_machine_vnc": "Once started and deployed, you can use VNC to access it via"
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                    "type": "user_vm_config",
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                    "help": {
                        "deploy_virtual_machine": "To deploy a VM, make sure you have a configuration created and use the endpoint",
                        "required_request_data_for_deploy": {
                            "orka_node_name": "<ORKA_NODE_NAME>",
                            "orka_vm_name": "myorkavm"
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                "url": "/validation-requirements"
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