Orka v2.3.3
New features, improved functionality, and bug fixes in Orka v2.3.3
Orka Release Notes
v2.3.3: Bug fixes | Improvement | Known issues
Released: February 13, 2023
We’re continually working to provide you with new features, tools, and plugins to improve your overall Orka experience. For the latest and greatest, be sure to update your CLI to the latest 2.3.x after your environment has been updated 2.3.3. Here’s an overview of what changes have shipped with version 2.3.3.
Orka v2.3.3
Orka 2.3.3 provides networking-related bug fixes and improvements.
Bug fixes
- Sometimes, the state of newly deployed VMs became
. - Sometimes, Orka VMs lost connectivity and you could not connect via SSH, VNC, or Screensharing.
- Orka 2.3.3 introduces improved internal logging and error handling, related to VM networking. This enables the Orka team to identify and address VM networking-related issues more efficiently.
Known issues
- You can start multiple pull remote image or copy image operations at once in the Orka Web UI. This might cause Orka to become unresponsive until all operations are complete. During that time, you cannot use Orka with any Orka tools and integrations.
Workaround: Wait for all running operations to complete. - Sometimes, Orka might become unresponsive during a pull remote image or copy image operation and might start returning authentication errors.
Wait for the operation to complete. - ARM-based VMs are not able to run applications which require kernel extensions. We have filed the problem with Apple and are in communication with them through our contacts to solve the issue.
- Any VMs deployed on ARM-based nodes prior Orka 2.1.0 might not be functional after the upgrade to Orka 2.1.0. As a workaround, make sure to delete those VMs and redeploy them.
- Users running older versions of Orka will start seeing Apple Silicon images when running
orka image list-remote
. These images are not supported in older versions of Orka, and any attempt to pull them will result in an error. To prevent that, ignore the images or upgrade to Orka 2.1.0+. - If you deploy a VM on an Apple ARM-based node and try to login to your iCloud account you might receive an error 'The action could not be completed'. This is a limitation of the Apple Virtualization Framework. As a workaround, you can download the needed software via a web browser and install it manually.

- If your git-related operations are hanging, and nothing happens on an Orka VM, most probably, your Xcode is stuck in the "Verifying Xcode dialog" state. To ensure this is the case, you can connect to your VM via VNC, start the Xcode application and check if you will get a small window saying "Verifying Xcode".
To resolve the issue, either VNC to the VM and wait for the verification process to complete or execute the following command from the Terminal to disable Xcode verification:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine '/Applications/Xcode.app'
How to upgrade
Scheduled maintenance window required
All Orka 2.3.x are new Orka releases. For more information, see Orka Upgrades.
This release requires a maintenance window of up to 3 hours depending on the size of the cluster.
- Submit a ticket through the MacStadium portal.
- Schedule a time for the maintenance window that works for you through the link provided in the ticket.
The suggested time(s) must be Monday through Thursday, 6am or 10pm PST (9am or 1pm EST), depending on availability in the MacStadium Global Operations calendar. - Update your Orka tools and integrations, including Orka VM Tools on any Apple silicon-based VMs and images.
Updated almost 2 years ago